Abra Laboratories is a new, fitness-inspired supplement company founded on the belief that quality, transparency, and integrity pave the path toward progress in providing the best service. All products are manufactured in the U.S. and only using the highest purity ingredients available to ensure top quality. To us, quality in ingredients also means a divergence from artificial coloring. You won’t find any of those in our products.

Abra Laboratories is dedicated to operating in the open and thus coined our expression, No Curtains Necessary. By this, we mean to always give full disclosure on all ingredients in all products. No proprietary blends, no active matrices, just the facts. Well, not just the facts. We want you to understand why we chose these ingredients and why they work for you.

The world loves to talk about integrity, but we want to show you ours. At Abra Laboratories, it is more than standing beside our products and offering a 100% money back guarantee (which we do). Integrity is standing for the cause to help people achieve their health & fitness goals and increase overall quality of life. Our integrity stems from the compassion we have for everyone, regardless of where you may be on your fitness journey. In need of advice with our products or in general? Follow this link to our contact page and we will help you any way we can.

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